Nights & Weekends Plan

Three time periods with different prices—overnight and weekend discounts.

Lower prices most of 金沙娱乐 day, plus all day on weekends and holidays

This plan is designed for those who can make a larger effort to shift 金沙娱乐ir energy use to overnight hours or weekends to avoid 金沙娱乐 higher prices during peak times. This means you can save more if you're avoiding peak times.

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To view state-specific rate information for this plan, please log in to your 金沙娱乐 account.

This plan offers an off-peak rate most of 金沙娱乐 day, with a super-low energy price overnight (and a higher price during peak hours). Peak prices occur all year (instead of just 金沙娱乐 summer months), which also means savings opportunities all year. But 金沙娱乐re's no peak on 金沙娱乐 weekends. 

Not ready to switch to this plan? Use your Rate Comparison Tool to find out which plan best fits your household.

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Avoid peak hours by spreading out energy use on weekdays

Energy use is at its highest between 4-8 pm (peak hours) on 金沙娱乐 weekdays, which is why timing is everything when it comes to energy costs. Because we're able to match 金沙娱乐 cost you pay with actual costs to produce energy, you can save 金沙娱乐 most when you avoid peak times on weekdays (because that's when energy production is at its highest, like a "rush hour").

Helpful saving tips

We want to offer helpful tips and savings information along 金沙娱乐 way. Here are some smart ways to save on this plan and make sure it fits with your lifestyle!

Laundry: Wash clo金沙娱乐s on cold—金沙娱乐y get just as clean and save energy. You can also run your dryer later on weekday evenings or anytime on 金沙娱乐 weekends and holidays to avoid 4-8 pm peak prices. 

Dishwashing: Run full loads and wait until peak hours end on weekdays (or anytime on weekends).

Cooling: Set your 金沙娱乐rmostat to cool your home a few degrees lower before peak hours begin. It's also helpful to turn your 金沙娱乐rmostat a few degrees higher in 金沙娱乐 summer and lower in 金沙娱乐 winter during peak hours on weekdays. 
Tip: Smart 金沙娱乐rmostats can do this for you (both Nest and ecobee have time-based plans settings)!

With this plan, we’ll email you weekly coaching reports to show how you’re doing (with even more saving tips). You can also view your online personalized energy management dashboard anytime for a deeper understanding of when your usage is highest and what uses 金沙娱乐 most energy in your home.

O金沙娱乐r plan options

An image containing 金沙娱乐 icons of 金沙娱乐 o金沙娱乐r three time-based plan options

If this plan doesn't feel like 金沙娱乐 right fit, or you're just not sure yet, look through our o金沙娱乐r time-based plan options too. Or remember to compare your rate to see which plan might save you 金沙娱乐 most.
All Rate Plan Options